Part 2 Checklist

The chapter of this book are short, but the potential rabbit holes are number. The amount of new information available. In addition to having time limits in most chapters, there are checklists at the ends of Parts 2 through 5.

Note: You don’t need to check all boxes before proceeding to Part 3.


[ ] Can describe personal development workflow.

[ ] Obtained a physical notebook to take notes in.

[ ] Took 20 pages of Notes (minimum).

[ ] Drew at least 10 diagrams (minimum).

Social Activity

[ ] Joined and joined 10 programming/technology groups in your area/state.

[ ] Attended one coding meetup.

[ ] Joined GitHub, starred 10 repositories, followed 10 people, and have 25 contributions or more on your profile page.

[ ] Joined Stack Overflow, followed 10 tags, and earned the following badges: Autobiographer, Student, Enthusiast.

[ ] Joined LinkedIn and spent 30-60 minutes on profile.

Text Editor

[ ] Downloaded Atom (or some other text editor)

[ ] Know how to open a file in the text editor.

[ ] Edited an HTML file using the text editor.

Command Line

[ ] Know the following terminal commands: ls, pwd, cd, man, touch, rm, mkdir, rmdir, open, echo, whoami, type

[ ] Know how to read man pages.

[ ] Know what the root directory is.

[ ] Understand how to navigate the filesystem with cd. Understands what cd .. does.

Version Control, git, and GitHub

[ ] Downloaded git.

[ ] Understands why version control is useful.

[ ] Understand the difference between git and GitHub.

[ ] Did the GitHub tutorial.

[ ] Used all of the following git commands: init, status, add, commit, log, push, remote, checkout, pull, clone, diff, reset.

[ ] Basic understanding of git repositories, both local and remote

[ ] Basic understanding of git commits

[ ] Basic understanding of git branches

[ ] Basic understanding of git merges

[ ] Published an webpage using GitHub Pages.

[ ] 10 commits pushed to GitHub (minimum).

Browsers & Their Developer Tools

[ ] Has three browsers on computer, including Chrome and Firefox.

[ ] Knows how to open developer tools all browsers on computer.

[ ] Basic familiarity with Web Inspector developer tool.

[ ] Know how to add a CSS rule to an element using Web Inspector

[ ] Opened Network and JavaScript Console in Developer Tools.

Required Reading

[ ] Reviewed Table of Contents (TOC) of this book.

[ ] Skimmed all resources listed in chapters’ Exercises section.

[ ] Purchased physical copies of the CSS and Linux books listed as resources 1 and 2 in Appendix A: Bookshelf

[ ] Reviewed Appendix B: Developer Workflow

[ ] Skimmed Appendix C: Glossary

[ ] Read the table of contents (TOC) and skimmed the first three chapters of Pro Git book.

[ ] Read TOC and Chapter 1 of CSS Book

[ ] Read TOC and Chapters 1 through 5 of Linux book.